Dillon McGuire Quoted in Article on Medical Marijuana Users Can't be Fired for Failing a Drug Test
Pashman Stein Walder Hayden P.C. attorney Dillon McGuire was quoted in The Weed Blog, “Medical Marijuana Users in New Jersey Can't be Fired for Failing a Drug Test.” The article explains that you cannot be fired in New Jersey for failing a drug test because of medical marijuana.
Employers can’t inject themselves into personal medical decisions of the employee, said attorney Dillon McGuire who argued on behalf of the ACLU-NJ when the case began in February 2020. “The court’s decision in this case will have far broader implications for employees using medical marijuana throughout the state of New Jersey.
“A clear message must be sent to employers that, absent compelling circumstances, they cannot dictate their employees’ access to the medications that alleviate their pain,” McGuire said.
"Every one of us has the constitutional and common law right to make our own medical decisions, and those decisions are ours and nobody else’s to make.”
Please click here for an online version of the article.
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